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Need help confuguring layout

Posted: 18 Jun 2014, 09:25
by viatama
Hello guys,

I ma new user of phoca download, and need your help with some of the basics. :)
My firs problem I cam across with Phoca is understanding of Phoca layout confuguration,
How can I switch the category view so that each category is visiblenot next to each other, but one under another ?

I wanted the category view (which is Phoca download main page I understand) to display more info, like category description, or image,
I am entering required tags in Layout confuguration page,
As shown here, I entered all of them just to test:


The same concerning problem I have with a fike download view - no matter how I change tags in the file view layout:


the file view is exaclty the same, no notes are being displayed, or file image that I have added in the backend.


Please help me, perhaps I get entire thing in a wrong way, I don not now..

I am willing to donate to this project, but first I need to understand that component, and get things sorted :)


Re: Need help confuguring layout

Posted: 22 Jun 2014, 22:36
by Jan
Hi, to have the file next to each other, you need to customize directly the output code - as the layout is set by different blocks (one file per row)

in template (with overriding the component output) or directly in component:

components/com_phocagallery/view/category/tmpl/ ...


Re: Need help confuguring layout

Posted: 26 Jun 2014, 17:03
by viatama
Hi Jan,

thanks for you help.
I figured this out now, it was a mater of swithcing off and on Display of Specific Layout ;)
I will stay with Phoca layout anyway,
but another porblem with that I run into.. Is pictured below:


Positions are messed up. I haven't modified anyting in the style yet.

can you help ?

Re: Need help confuguring layout

Posted: 27 Jun 2014, 00:04
by Jan
Hi, I see, this seems like some unclosed tag somewhere which breaks clear:both part for making new row for each item.

Check the html code for unclosed tag :idea:


Re: Need help confuguring layout

Posted: 27 Jun 2014, 01:34
by viatama
Jan, any idea which file I should be looking in ?
Jan, I havetried on a different Joomla templates, and problem is the same:



Re: Need help confuguring layout

Posted: 27 Jun 2014, 18:04
by Jan
Hi, really no idea what can be wrong there :idea:

the file to customize is here:
components/com_phocadownload/views/tmpl/ ... (depends on version of Phoca Download, where the list is stored - in default.php or default_files.php)

But as the view is tested by man users, there should not be any problem :idea: - this seems really like some conflict with another CSS :idea:


Re: Need help confuguring layout

Posted: 27 Jun 2014, 18:39
by viatama

Content - Ads Elite plugin was causing this.

Re: Need help confuguring layout

Posted: 28 Jun 2014, 22:08
by Jan
Ok, thank you for the info.
