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Front end problem

Posted: 20 Jun 2014, 20:29
by ludo65

I got some hard time to configure Phoca Download, I hope you will be able to explain me what is going on :o

Okay I installed the component, the plugin and the button, so that I can use the button inside my article.

When I select to show a category :
There is the category on the front end, then I click on it, there is the file with the details button, and everything as I want.

When I select to show the file directly (This is what I need) :
There is only an icon and the file to download, no details, no style ??

Here you can see, I used the same file : ... et-started

And the code :

Code: Select all

{phocadownload view=category|id=1|target=s}
{phocadownload view=file|id=1|target=s}
I don't understand why the design is totally different ? And how can I have the design within the category just when I select to show the file.


Re: Front end problem

Posted: 20 Jun 2014, 22:55
by Jan
Hi, plugin is not like component, it is just extra addon for the component to display download links in article - the links should be stylized mainly in CSS to fit the template/site design. Inside article, there are no such options (possibility) like in component, in article the design is mainly done by com_content (article component) and the plugin is only small (inside) part of it :idea:


Re: Front end problem

Posted: 20 Jun 2014, 23:46
by ludo65
Okay I see,

So how can I have the design of the component without publishing a category ?
I just want a simple page with 3 files to download, I suppose it's easy to do it ?

Thank you,

Re: Front end problem

Posted: 22 Jun 2014, 22:48
by Jan
Hi, what you mean with "design of the component without publishing a category"?

you can have 3 files on site to download with the component - when you add a link directly to a category where 3 files are included
or you will just add 3 plugin codes to your article (each file on own row)
