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Deleting own files from frontend is impossible
Posted: 27 Jun 2014, 00:42
by silgreg
My users have permissions to upload and delete file from frontend in certain categories.
But when they have uploaded a file, the trash icon is non active and they can not delete their own file.
How can I do?
Thanks, Greg
Re: Deleting own files from frontend is impossible
Posted: 27 Jun 2014, 18:01
by Jan
Hi, the delete icon is only inactive if they do not have rights in the category - rights to delete?
Is the user included in the group which has rights to delete the files in the category?
Re: Deleting own files from frontend is impossible
Posted: 27 Jun 2014, 22:59
by silgreg
Yes, the user "SILVANONE" has upload-rights and delete-rights in the category "QUADERNI SNV". User "SILVANONE" can upload files but he can't delete them.
Only the super-user can delete from front-end, if I give him delete-rights in this category.
Re: Deleting own files from frontend is impossible
Posted: 28 Jun 2014, 22:15
by Jan
Hi, which version of Phoca Download you are using, so I can test it?
Re: Deleting own files from frontend is impossible
Posted: 29 Jun 2014, 12:42
by silgreg
I'm using 2.1.9 version.
The strange thing is that in my other site with another hosting, delete rights work well with all users.
Re: Deleting own files from frontend is impossible
Posted: 30 Jun 2014, 21:58
by Jan
Yes, I am testing it now with Phoca Download 2.1.9 and Joomla! 2.5.22 - see no problem there - try to check if the value is saved when you select some user for the delete rights (when you click on save button in administration)
Re: Deleting own files from frontend is impossible
Posted: 30 Jun 2014, 23:25
by silgreg
Yes: the value is saved
Can I attach an image to the post?
Re: Deleting own files from frontend is impossible
Posted: 03 Jul 2014, 21:11
by Jan
You can paste image per some external service like imgur is.