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Migration Problem 1.5 -> 3.3

Posted: 25 Jul 2014, 15:48
by jek1978
Hi all,
i just migrated Phoca Gallery from Joomla 1.5 to Joomla 3.3 with 10.000+ files and 400+ Folders succesfully.
I jused this guide: ... -joomla-25

But for Phoca download i've got a error message.
After submitting this to the database:

UPDATE `jos_phocadownload` SET `language` = '*';

UPDATE `jos_phocadownload_categories` SET `language` = '*';

UPDATE `jos_phocadownload_file_votes` SET `language` = '*';

UPDATE `jos_phocadownload_file_votes_statistics` SET `language` = '*';

UPDATE `jos_phocadownload_licenses` SET `language` = '*';

UPDATE `jos_phocadownload_tags` SET `language` = '*';

UPDATE `jos_phocadownload_user_stat` SET `language` = '*';

i get this error:


-- -- Datenbank: `d00835f1` -- -- -- Daten für Tabelle `jos_phocadownload` -- INSERT INTO `jos_phocadownload` (`id`, `catid`, `sectionid`, `owner_id`, `sid`, `title`, `alias`, `filename`, `filesize`, `filename_play`, `filename_preview`, `author`, `author_email`, `author_url`, `license`, `license_url`, `image_filename`, `image_filename_spec1`, `image_filename_spec2`, `image_download`, `link_external`, `description`, `version`, `directlink`, `date`, `publish_up`, `publish_down`, `hits`, `textonly`, `published`, `approved`, `checked_out`, `checked_out_time`, `ordering`, `access`, `confirm_license`, `unaccessible_file`, `params`, `metakey`, `metadesc`) VALUES (1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 'Da staunte sogar der Bürgermeister', 'da-staunte-sogar-der-buergermeister', 'Presse/2008-07-12_piratenschifftaufe.pdf', 146444, '', 'Presse/2008-07-12_piratenschifftaufe.pdf', '', '', '', '', '', 'Icons/pdf_button.png', '', '', '', '', '<p><strong>Quelle:</strong> Westfälische Rundschau - Nr. 161, 12. Juli 2008[...]

MySQL meldet: Dokumentation
#1062 - Duplicate entry '1' for key 'PRIMARY'

What can i do?

Thanks a lot!

Re: Migration Problem 1.5 -> 3.3

Posted: 27 Jul 2014, 12:25
by Jan
Hi, duplicate entry means, you are importing a row of data (in this case file item) with number 1, but such number exists in the table yet (did you do it twice, it should be empty before importing)

in your table, there is file item number 1, but you are importing it again :idea:


Re: Migration Problem 1.5 -> 3.3

Posted: 30 Jul 2014, 20:15
by jek1978
how can i emty the tables again?


Re: Migration Problem 1.5 -> 3.3

Posted: 31 Jul 2014, 00:47
by Jan
Hi, e.g. in phpmyadmin program where you can manager your items in database.
