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downloads are empty or corrupted Joomla 2.5

Posted: 04 Aug 2014, 17:26
by Katzengreis30
Hi ;-)

first of all sorry for my bad english!

Here my Problem.

I use Phoca Download 2.1.6 and Joomla 2.5.

If i insert a downloadlink (with the phocadownload button) to a pdf-file, the download works perfekt.

But if i insert a link to a "zip"-file, I can download the file. Ok...but when i try to unzip this file i got an error-message, that this file is corrupted and so in can not open it.

When i download the same file with ftp, i can unzip it without any problems! We tried it on differnt computers and browser and the problem is with all zip-files.

I can not send you a link to this files cause there are in a password protected area of the webside.

So please help :-)

PS: In a posting from another user with the same problem was the solution to modify the download.php, but in another version. So i cant find it.

Re: downloads are empty or corrupted Joomla 2.5

Posted: 04 Aug 2014, 23:09
by Jan
Hi, can I see the site where this occurs, to download the file and see it in text editor (to check if you server does not render some error there :idea: )


Re: downloads are empty or corrupted Joomla 2.5

Posted: 06 Aug 2014, 20:29
by Jan
Hmm, I see, I have checked the ZIP file, it is corrupt, but I didn't find anything wrong in the source code :idea:

Really no idea what can change the file on the server :idea: Maybe some header is wrongly interpreted - When you set directl download, does it work?

Re: downloads are empty or corrupted Joomla 2.5

Posted: 30 Aug 2014, 13:30
by Katzengreis30
First of all, thanks a lot to Jan for his excellent support!

OK, here is the solution for my problem.

The provider strato activate automaticaly "php-boost" in the php-configuration.
deactivate it and the zip-download files with phoca will work fine.



Re: downloads are empty or corrupted Joomla 2.5

Posted: 01 Sep 2014, 00:13
by Jan
Ok, thank you for the info.
