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Category access vs access rights

Posted: 22 Aug 2014, 16:27
by interbake
What is the difference?

Re: Category access vs access rights

Posted: 25 Aug 2014, 22:15
by Jan
Access - there you can set access rights for groups like it is usual in Joomla! ACL
Access rights - you can specify the rights for each user.


Re: Category access vs access rights

Posted: 18 Aug 2015, 12:48
by gntodd
Could you please clarify exactly how they affect each other. What effect does setting a specific user access rights have if it's
- already in the access group
- not in the access group


Re: Category access vs access rights

Posted: 21 Aug 2015, 01:00
by Jan
Hi, as written above:

Access - there you can set access rights for groups like it is usual in Joomla! ACL
Access rights - you can specify the rights for each user.


Access rights only works when the specific user is selected from the group which is set in Access.
