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Back End U/L and Delete

Posted: 03 Sep 2014, 20:07
by larmstrong
Staff members have super user access but are finding the current u/l difficult. currently, we create a new file and then browse to the server and upload the new file that way. The downside is, the file can't be deleted this way. It must be removed via ftp. Is there a more user friendly way to upload a file - a view that will show the registered user what files are currently in the folders? or even the current names so the new file can be renamed the same to overwrite?

If there is, I am presuming that this method should also permit the ability for same user to delete old or unnecessary files.

I have edited to include that I am using Joomla 2.5 and PhocaDownload 2.1.9

Re: Back End U/L and Delete

Posted: 06 Sep 2014, 01:37
by Jan
Hi, see: ... parameters

Delete Existing Files - (Yes | No) If yes then the file stored on server will be deleted in case the file will be deleted from Phoca Download


Re: Back End U/L and Delete

Posted: 09 Sep 2014, 00:28
by larmstrong
Yes, I have that figured out. Is there a view or a way, that superusers can browse the contents of the folder(s) without going through ftp?

Re: Back End U/L and Delete

Posted: 09 Sep 2014, 22:03
by Jan
Hi, in fact, in administration, you can see the files in "Multiple Add" view

Since Joomla! 3, the file manager Phoca Commander can be used.
