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display date in file view
Posted: 04 Sep 2014, 17:18
by lacioo
is this somehow possible ? I have tried all settings, but no way... pls for complete tutorial if this possible. thanks
Re: display date in file view
Posted: 06 Sep 2014, 02:11
by Jan
Hi, yes, date can be displayed in File view.
The date is displayed there as default, see Benno's site - File View as example: ... j25-j3-zip
Customize the output: ... load-theme
Re: display date in file view
Posted: 09 Sep 2014, 14:33
by lacioo
I dont get what is on bennos site, I cant see date displayed there. But anyway I cant speak German.
I have tried to customize output, but cant find variable for date and correct line, where to insert it.
I think default.php or default_files.php in components/com_phocadownload/views/category/tmpl should be updated.
Could you pls paste me here what and where to overwrite to see date displayed in front of file name ?
thanks a lot
Re: display date in file view
Posted: 09 Sep 2014, 21:56
by Jan
Hi, I still don't understand you problem, it is not needed to speak German, I just wanted to display, that the date is set in File view as default, there is no need to customize something, the date is just displayed there
Re: display date in file view
Posted: 10 Sep 2014, 09:25
by lacioo
hmm, but link heads to phoca deutche sprachpakete, I cant see any examples there... And default view is from my point of view without date, I see only pdf icon, pdf title and then details and download button
Re: display date in file view
Posted: 10 Sep 2014, 21:44
by Jan
Are you using standard output of the component (not overwritten by template, not set in layout)?
In File view, there is:
Code: Select all
$pdFileDate = '';
$fileDate = $l->getFileDate($v->filename, $v->date);
if ($fileDate != '') {
$pdFileDate .= '<div class="pd-date-txt">'.JText::_('COM_PHOCADOWNLOAD_DATE').':</div>';
$pdFileDate .= '<div class="pd-fl-m">'.$fileDate.'</div>';
Re: display date in file view
Posted: 16 Sep 2014, 16:45
by lacioo
Great Jan,
this is correct.
And additional question ? what is the correct code to display upload date also in plugin view ({phocadownload view=filelist|id=7|target=b|limit=10}) ?
And is there possibility to set upload date via upload page in front end ? not in administration
Re: display date in file view
Posted: 17 Sep 2014, 20:31
by Jan
Hi, both features need to be customized:
- in plugin, the date needs to be loaded and set to html output
- in upload - the form with date needs to be set (maybe with calender) and the managing this form input needs to be set in controller and model
Re: display date in file view
Posted: 18 Sep 2014, 11:55
by lacioo
Hi, yes in plugin I set the output, but when I use $pdFileDate, I get current date, not the upload date. Which variable is correct ?
In upload, I created calendar field - but also cant find which variable should take the date (I tried $now - as I assumed it takes current time).
Can you help on it ?
Re: display date in file view
Posted: 19 Sep 2014, 22:35
by Jan
Hi, just print_r the variables to get information about them.
Yes, $now is the varible which get current time and add it to database:
$row->date = $now;
There are different variables for displaying date:
date, publish up, publish down, etc.
in foreach you can get the item which is an object and you can select right value form the object