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Help Customize Phoca
Posted: 09 Sep 2014, 11:44
Hello everybody,
I'm new here and I don't speak well english so please, be nice!
So, I've installated Phoca Download on my Website, it's acctualy look like this:
I have 2 questions :
I only need those elements with the upload page :
Do you know how could I just hide or erase the parts I doesn't need?
I would like to have only one page for the both (upload and download) do you know if I can do this?
Thank's for your help!
Re: Help Customize Phoca
Posted: 09 Sep 2014, 21:59
by Jan
1) try to see: ... load-theme
3) hmmm, then really large modifications needs to be done, all the user upload feature needs to be moved to e.g. category view
Re: Help Customize Phoca
Posted: 10 Sep 2014, 13:44
Thank's for you help!
Probleme is that the parts I want to hide are some "tr", by exemple :
Code: Select all
<td><textarea id="phocadownload-upload-description" name="phocadownloaduploaddescription" onkeyup="countCharsUpload();" cols="30" rows="10" class="comment-input"></textarea></td>
So there is no particulary name or things like that I could hide with CSS... and I can't hide all the div beacause there is the "upload" button inside!
I suppose it's a JavaScript who make this... I'm a bit lost with this part!
For the question number 2, nothing more simple to do? That's not possible to use Phoca in an article or a module? It would be easyer to do what I want I guess...
Edit :
Oh, one more question, I tried to see how does Phoca work from my mobile phone, it wasn't responsiv design well... Is that normal or did I do something wrong?
Thank's a lot!
Re: Help Customize Phoca
Posted: 10 Sep 2014, 21:55
by Jan
responsive - there is no set fixed size, so this should work normally, the design can be set by different options: ... load-theme
using Phoca Download in article - you can use it in article with help of plugin but the plugin does not have upload feature only download feature
javascript - no the html code is not added by javascript, you should find it in standard output
components/com_phocadownload/views/user/tmpl/...(default, default_files)