Category access rights
Posted: 10 Sep 2014, 21:48
In 3.0.5 version i try enable this option: -
"In category you can set that files in the category can be downloaded by registered users only." But i have this situation, if i set access level "Registred" - i don`t see this category at all. If access level is "Public" - download are avalaible. Make changes of permisions for each file, uff i have more then ~1500 docs.
Where is my mistake?
Best Regards.
"In category you can set that files in the category can be downloaded by registered users only." But i have this situation, if i set access level "Registred" - i don`t see this category at all. If access level is "Public" - download are avalaible. Make changes of permisions for each file, uff i have more then ~1500 docs.
Where is my mistake?
Best Regards.