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File access request with form

Posted: 17 Oct 2014, 10:59
by gulp
thank you for developing this good component, I'm wondering if there is a way to let users to ask access for certain files by a form also by adding another form component/module that will work together with phocadownload to create this feature.
The best will be that on accept this will automatically create a new token link for the file and notify the user.
I know this last option couldn't be very handful to develop also because token are per-file, then will be difficult to manage for many requests on the same file,
could it be a future feature ?

Anyway thank you for any suggestion !

Re: File access request with form

Posted: 17 Oct 2014, 14:37
by Jan
Hi, in Phoca Download, you can use unique download link, but to get it, you need to somehow customize other module/component. E.g. when the component will allow to get the link, you just get the unique download link (with security token) from Phoca Download - so only the user who knows the link, can download the file.


Re: File access request with form

Posted: 20 Oct 2014, 10:02
by gulp
Hi, thank you for your suggestion, but what about a request form by the user ?
Is there a way to create it without special coding ?

Re: File access request with form

Posted: 23 Oct 2014, 17:47
by Jan
Hi, I think, such needs to be customized in Joomla! e.g. as there is no such option yet :idea:


Re: File access request with form

Posted: 28 Oct 2014, 17:13
by gulp
Well, I understand this feature could be very special and not so useful for everybody.
I'm thinking about customizing a contact form with an html-select with listed "some" phocadownload that requires authorization.
The backend admin will receive the email and manually set the token for the file request.
To make this customization do you think it could be quite simple to query the db.#___phocadownload inside a form-module component and list this files ?
Any good component to combine with phocadownload and custom coding to obtain this feature ?

Thank you for any suggestion

Re: File access request with form

Posted: 30 Oct 2014, 19:46
by Jan
Hi, unfortunately, I didn't any such customization yet, so for me it is hard to give any clue advice regarding this :-( Really no idea :idea: :-(


Re: File access request with form

Posted: 10 Dec 2015, 18:10
by flexconcept
Hi Gulp (and Jan)

I'm also looking for a notification-mail with security token like you suggested.
Is there something you have found already or made on your own?
Otherwise I'm going to try to make something with a form generator like RSForms of Fabrik

Kind regards,

Re: File access request with form

Posted: 12 Dec 2015, 01:58
by Jan
Hi, unfortunately I still didn't find to take a look at this :-(
