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Download Integration with Membership

Posted: 04 Nov 2014, 04:34
by xpozay
Hi there,

I have been testing download and membership systems but thus far am not able to achieve what I am looking for.

- I wish to provide access to Phoca content (files), but not download, to guests.
- I wish to provide more access (ie download of files) to free software for registered users.
- I wish to provide downloading of files of paid software to paid members (2 different plans ie 6 months and 12 months membership).

So far I have implemented many categories and files in Phoca download whereby categories have a combination of paid and free download files. I tried integrating Payplans however they have since informed me that they only control access to the categories and not the files.

Are you aware of a membership system I can use to control downloading / access to the files based on membership plan?
Are you aware of an alternative to achieve what I am looking for?

Thanks very much for your assistance.

Re: Download Integration with Membership

Posted: 04 Nov 2014, 22:55
by Jan
Hi, in Phoca Download you can set the access for categories:
1) there is a preview feature, means you can display preview (e.g. table of contents in PDF) for all users and download can be accessible for registered only
2) you can add public files to public category and not accessible files to category registered

So if you get paid by someone, he/she will get access to files in category which is only for registered users

Phoca Download is used for membership sites and combined with many different subscription extensions :idea:


Re: Download Integration with Membership

Posted: 05 Nov 2014, 01:36
by xpozay
Thank you for your quick response.

It therefore sounds like access is restricted / limited to the category level and not at the document / file level. From a business perspective it does not make sense, at least for me, to place public files in a category and paid files in a different category as categories represent my business process / customers business functions and within those business functions there are paid and free downloads. Ie Customers would not necessarily know which downloads are paid or free until they drill down the business functions and find what they want.

Is there any way to place restrictions at the document / file level instead of at the category?

Thanks again

Re: Download Integration with Membership

Posted: 07 Nov 2014, 00:13
by Jan
Hi, file access works this way:

You can have protected file in public category and:

- if "Display Inaccessible file" is set to NO - the file is not visible for public, only for registered or selected group
- if "Display Inaccessible file" is set to YES - the file is visible in for public with other public files and when not logged in user clicks to download the file, he/she will be redirected to login page (and mostly there can be some information about the plan)
