Token and count reset
Posted: 06 Nov 2014, 11:07
is there a way to auto reset the token download count for a file when the token get changed ?
Should always be the admin to manaul reset this count while changing the token ?
P.S.: I've made a custom update to the admin component for those who need this behaviour:
1. open file
2. go to row 44
3. add
before the "return true;" code
is there a way to auto reset the token download count for a file when the token get changed ?
Should always be the admin to manaul reset this count while changing the token ?
P.S.: I've made a custom update to the admin component for those who need this behaviour:
1. open file
2. go to row 44
3. add
Code: Select all
document.getElementById(\'jform_tokenhits\').value = \'0\';