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How to integrate with Article Categories?

Posted: 07 Nov 2014, 16:44
by bhuether

I have a site that acts as a portfolio for some working groups that are part of a non-governmental org. In Joomla, I have categories, say, WG1, WG2. Each Working Group has several documents associated with them. Say factsheets and background papers. So now the question is, how do I set up the categories in phoca, and how do I make it such that the following can all happen:

1. When going to a WG article, there will be a listing of all documents associated with that WG
2. When selecting a Documents menu, there will be a listing of all documents and their associated working group

In phoca would I categorize as

-- Factsheets
--- WG1
--- WG2
-- Background papers
--- WG1
--- WG2


-- factsheet
-- background paper
- WG2

And if you could show me some example code and where to place it that would be great!


Re: How to integrate with Article Categories?

Posted: 08 Nov 2014, 23:40
by Jan
Hi, not sure what you exactly mean? Did you create such folder/category structure - did you create a menu link to Phoca Download?


Re: How to integrate with Article Categories?

Posted: 16 Nov 2014, 13:19
by bhuether
Yes, I have categories created in Joomla, and also created the Phoca Download categories. Just trying to figure out the best way to organize so it is consistent with the articles categorization. Thanks!

Re: How to integrate with Article Categories?

Posted: 17 Nov 2014, 21:00
by Jan
Hi, you can do the same tree structure like categories for articles, but both are different - one for articles, second for files but displaying can be similar: (categories for articles - rendered by Phoca Documentation) (categories for files - rendered by Phoca Download)
