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Edit file on frontend

Posted: 10 Nov 2014, 01:09
by tramber91
Dear all

I'm a new user of phoca download
I'm using last version of phoca download 3.0.6 (just updated) with joomla 3.3.6

i'm lost in fronted edition

i have upladed few files from fronted as superuser

1) i cannot assign right to the file (public or register or ...) during upload ?
2) i cannot edit my file or any files as superuser ?
3) if in parameter, user upload, i disable User File Authorization, i have no other way that going in backend to authorize the file

It is ok or i miss something ?

thanks for your support

take care


Re: Edit file on frontend

Posted: 11 Nov 2014, 19:33
by Jan
Hi, frontend UCP is designed for frontend users - in frontend the super user is the same user like any others (he/she needs to have rights to do something)

To fully control Phoca Download, you should use administration.


Re: Edit file on frontend

Posted: 15 Nov 2014, 19:46
by tramber91
Thanks Jan

I have all rights in PD parameters and all category seems also OK in term of view or Edition

But I cannot edit or modify status in the view below (even my file)


maybe be I miss somewhere in PD a control view ?

take care


Re: Edit file on frontend

Posted: 16 Nov 2014, 17:56
by tramber91

maybe i miss this sentence in your documentation ... n-frontend
For now, user cannot edit the uploaded file in frontend, this feature is planned.

take care


Re: Edit file on frontend

Posted: 17 Nov 2014, 20:40
by Jan
Hi, edit means, you cannot change the title, etc. In UCP you can for now delete or publish/unpublish the files.


Re: Edit file on frontend

Posted: 17 Nov 2014, 22:08
by tramber91
i can nothing about that as you can see on my scren shot
maybe acl issue ?
i'm with community builder 2.2 !!

take care


Re: Edit file on frontend

Posted: 19 Nov 2014, 15:47
by Jan
Hi, icons (delete, publish) are grey in case, you have no rights to delete - so if you can upload files - you have "upload" rights - but to delete or unpublish, you need to have "delete" rights


Re: Edit file on frontend

Posted: 20 Nov 2014, 00:24
by tramber91
Hi Jan
i understand but i have upload file on front as superuser

as superuser i have all rights, as far i can see in PD parameter


delete right too


Re: Edit file on frontend

Posted: 21 Nov 2014, 21:29
by Jan
Hi, you should set the rights in Category:

Administration - Components - Phoca Download - Categories - Edit the selected category and set uploads rights there.


Re: Edit file on frontend

Posted: 22 Nov 2014, 12:39
by tramber91
Hi Jan

OK I've got it, Thank

at category level
upload right was already fixed, out of that not possible to select a good caregory when you upload a new file on front
But delete right was not assigned
Not possible to assign another group out of, registred user group, in this field ?

maybe the french translation for COM_PHOCADOWNLOAD_FIELD_DELETE_RIGHTS_LABEL is quite strange
to replace from "Supprimer des droits" to "Droits de suppression/édition"

What is sure is that is very difficult to moderate front file upload from front

take care
