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No Bootstrap Images

Posted: 20 Nov 2014, 18:24
by Wrathkear
Hi Phoca,

I am using Phoca Download and in the front-end user upload page, the buttons are blank grey squares. After looking at the image it is supposed to be grabbing, there is no Bootstrap folder in the media>com_phocadownload>images directory.

Can I download these images somewhere or will someone have to send them to me?

Thank you for your time!


Re: No Bootstrap Images

Posted: 21 Nov 2014, 22:13
by Jan
Hi, did you try to check the loading different CSS in Phoca Download Administration - Styles - there you can download button css styles :idea:


Re: No Bootstrap Images

Posted: 01 Dec 2014, 20:33
by Wrathkear
Hi Jan,

I had been through the CSS Styles area already to see if that was the issue, enabling other CSS options like button and button (curved), but it did not fix the issue.

The image it is looking for specifically is ".../images/bootstrap/glyphicons-halflings.png".

I assume the images would be a magnifying glass for the search button and an X for remove, so I can always just make them myself if all else fails. :wink:

Let me know if you need anymore info, I will get working on the images in the meantime!



Re: No Bootstrap Images

Posted: 01 Dec 2014, 21:55
by Jan
Hi, can you paste some screenshot to know which image you exactly mean, so I can test it :idea: There is no search icon in Phoca Download :idea:


Re: No Bootstrap Images

Posted: 03 Dec 2014, 18:45
by Wrathkear
Thank you for the response!

I can't seem to figure out how to post an image on this forum.

There's no attachment button I can see, and the Img button is asking for an http url.

I would give the url to the site, but it has restricted access.

Re: No Bootstrap Images

Posted: 03 Dec 2014, 19:04
by Jan
Hi, see: forum-rules.php (5) - you can paste here the link to imgur e.g.
