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"next" and "prev" buttons on detail view

Posted: 20 Nov 2014, 19:24
by plastic1st

I'm trying to insert an image into an article, using Phoca Gallery.
Don't laugh, this is not my question :D
This was quite easy to do, given that the plugin is really well done.

Now, let's have a look at my problem...

If I insert this command :

Code: Select all

{phocagallery view=category|categoryid=6|limitstart=2|limitcount=0}
I will get a list of all the images belonging to the 6th category.
And if I click on one of the images, I can browse all the photos of the 6th category, using the "next" and "prev" buttons on the detail view.

I would like to insert only one of the pictures in an article.
And when I click on this picture, I would like to be able to browse all the pictures of the selected category.
Is it possible ? I can't get the "prev" and "next" buttons visible :x

Any idea/help would be appreciated !

Thanks in advance


Re: "next" and "prev" buttons on detail view

Posted: 21 Nov 2014, 22:10
by Jan
Hi, this is possible with iframe method ( ... al-advices (8)) - so you will add limitation 0 - 1 in the plugin code to display only one image and then when clicking on it, all images can be displayed per next or previous buttons.
