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phocadownload systax not working

Posted: 12 Dec 2014, 14:37
by uksnowy
I'm sure there is nothing wrong with the syntax but I do need some help getting it working.

I am trying to use phocadownload in my articles using the {phocadownload view=file|id=1} syntax as described on the website. However, in the published article it simply shows up as a line of text {phocadownload view=file|id=1}.

The installation went fine no issues. The plugin functions perfectly if called from a menu. But, it does not function inside an article. Any ideas?

Joomla 3,3

Re: phocadownload systax not working

Posted: 12 Dec 2014, 15:17
by Jan
Hi, see similar posts in this forum, possible problems:

- not installed Phoca Download content plugin (be aware there are two plugins, one button second the content)
- not published
- used not in article but in other part of the system.


Re: phocadownload systax not working

Posted: 15 Dec 2014, 14:34
by uksnowy
Jan wrote:Hi, see similar posts in this forum, possible problems:

- not installed Phoca Download content plugin (be aware there are two plugins, one button second the content)
- not published
- used not in article but in other part of the system.

Thank you.. I didn't have all of the plugind installed. Works a treat now. :D

Thanks again..