Newest Downloads Module fpr Joomla! 3
Posted: 21 Dec 2014, 13:51
Hi there,
I once donated an amount to get the Latest Downloads Module and to get the Code to remove the "Powered by"-Tags in Phoca. Now I mograted my site to Joomla! 3 and the module is no longer working there. Can I donate once more to you to get the Module and the Tag-Remove-Code? How can I do this to get this things soon?
Thanks and best regards
I once donated an amount to get the Latest Downloads Module and to get the Code to remove the "Powered by"-Tags in Phoca. Now I mograted my site to Joomla! 3 and the module is no longer working there. Can I donate once more to you to get the Module and the Tag-Remove-Code? How can I do this to get this things soon?
Thanks and best regards