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Phoca panorama and categories / ACL

Posted: 27 Dec 2014, 19:03
by roland_d_alsace

Actually there are only a global ACL for phocapanorama.

When i create a single manu lnk to an item, user can acces to categorie and see other panorama tours.

Isn't it possible to have in future the same paramater (file name, acl rigth, etc...) in categories, and/or items.


Re: Phoca panorama and categories / ACL

Posted: 27 Dec 2014, 19:32
by Jan
Hi, not sure what you exactly mean, in Phoca Panorama there is no ACL for frontend - if there is ACL then only applied to menu link in Joomla! - so in fact then the ACL need to be implemented directly into the component - for each file - something like download rights for files in Phoca Download. Did you mean this?


Re: Phoca panorama and categories / ACL

Posted: 30 Dec 2014, 00:03
by roland_d_alsace
Hi Jan.

It's only for viewing access.
I want to allow access to a categorie only for a user group.

I have put ACL on category menu link, but in component user can navigate on other categories.


Re: Phoca panorama and categories / ACL

Posted: 31 Dec 2014, 22:27
by Jan
Hi, yes, this is the problem of menu link ACL, it cannot manage other links to other component part :-( :-( so for this the really component ACL needs to be written :-(
