Changelog size allowed - over 1/2 not showing
Posted: 10 Jan 2015, 03:05
I have a client who has a payroll company. As only the Government can do, the list of tax changes each year (multiplied by 50 states) is enormous. I would have attached the file, but it seems this has been disabled. It may suffice to say it's an html file done almost totally in one massive table with lots and lots or rows, or 188k in size.
The problem is this. I cut and pasted the raw code from his file for JUST the table part of it (left out the head stuff and CSS). What displays in the changelog under the detail pop up formats as he set it up. The bad part is it only displays as far as Hawaii and then chops it off. I originally was going to use Akeeba Release System, but it did the same and I (wrongly it appears) assumed it was a limitation within Akeeba. Now it seems to be a limitation of Joomla. Including the <hed>, <body> and <html> tags plus a bit of CSS, the files runs to 3825 lines of code. It is cut off after line 1308.
The problem is this. I cut and pasted the raw code from his file for JUST the table part of it (left out the head stuff and CSS). What displays in the changelog under the detail pop up formats as he set it up. The bad part is it only displays as far as Hawaii and then chops it off. I originally was going to use Akeeba Release System, but it did the same and I (wrongly it appears) assumed it was a limitation within Akeeba. Now it seems to be a limitation of Joomla. Including the <hed>, <body> and <html> tags plus a bit of CSS, the files runs to 3825 lines of code. It is cut off after line 1308.