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Problems around uploading/downloading Linux .run files

Posted: 06 Feb 2015, 19:15
by rimmerben

I'm trying to upload linux installer files with the .run extension, but I'm having difficulty with the permissions.

In my global configuration I have tried:

{.run=application/.run} & {.run=application/run}

But both haven't worked. On upload attempts I receive "Error The file type is not allowed - file cannot be uploaded"

Oddly enough a site administrator who is unavailable to help for a short while was able to upload a few .run files to the site, but attempts to download them give the message: "Error while downloading file (Mime Type not found)"

Any help here would be appreciated.


Re: Problems around uploading/downloading Linux .run files

Posted: 08 Feb 2015, 00:44
by Jan
Hi, did you try to remove the points: .run -> run ?
