Download Button - no preview
Posted: 07 Feb 2015, 20:55
plg_editors-xtd_phocadownload_v3.0.6., plg_content_phocadownload_v3.0.6.
The options 'Link To File' and 'Preview File (Link)' are generating the same code:
phocadownload view=file|id=1|target=s
Shouldn't the preview option bring up this code: phocadownload view=filepreviewlink|id=1|target=s instead?
The options 'Link To File' and 'Preview File (Link)' are generating the same code:
phocadownload view=file|id=1|target=s
Shouldn't the preview option bring up this code: phocadownload view=filepreviewlink|id=1|target=s instead?