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SEF URL in Phoca Download
Posted: 28 Mar 2015, 16:38
by plamen
Is this a good SEF URL:
Code: Select all
<a class="btn btn-success" href="/menu_1/menu_11?download=24:aaa-bbb-ccc" >Download</a>
This is from page source code.
My concern is the question mark here. Is it considered as parameter and how it is treated by th search engines?
Yes, with SEF switched off URL looks much more complicated.
Re: SEF URL in Phoca Download
Posted: 28 Mar 2015, 23:18
by Jan
Hi, hard to say but when the "menu_1" is a menu link alias and when "menu_11" is a category name then it should be the right link
Re: SEF URL in Phoca Download
Posted: 31 Mar 2015, 17:36
by plamen
My understanding is that all behind question mark is considered by Google as not so friendly.
Re: SEF URL in Phoca Download
Posted: 31 Mar 2015, 18:19
by Jan
My understanding is that all behind question mark is considered by Google as not so friendly.
SEF Urls were made for human (people) not for robots or search engines - robots or search engines would probable like ?category=1 than /CategoryName (the integer than string)
In fact, no one except some of few people can say what Google likes or not but I see very unlikely that there is some specific rules for GET parameters. Even Google itself is using them normally like most of interent websites