Editing the Phoca_creme template help needed please

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Editing the Phoca_creme template help needed please

Post by silversurfer »

Hi, I am new to your forum and am looking for some help.

I have just this morning downloaded your Phoca_creme template and I must say it is very nice. However, I would like to change the plain white background page to a colour similar to the Logo Name Phoca_creme rather than white so the page has a little more impact.

I have tried to find the location of the code in the templates css files but am unable to locate where or how to change this and I am not familiar enough with coding to know what to do. :x

I would really appreciate some assistance with this as I am about to change my old website layout to Joomla CMS using your template.

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Re: Editing the Phoca_creme template help needed please

Post by Jan »

Hi, you need to change the background of images too (because they have white background color too - they are displayed with rounded corners, so there is white background too...

You need to change the template.css in templates/phoca_creme/css

just add e.g. background:#you-color; into body class in template.css
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Re: Editing the Phoca_creme template help needed please

Post by silversurfer »

Thank You Jan

I managed to change the header and footer images so that the white is now gone. However, the center section which I think is the image rbg.png is still white and I can't work out what to change, as when I look at the image there is nothing there to change the colour of just a white page.

You can look at it here and see what I mean :idea:

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Re: Editing the Phoca_creme template help needed please

Post by Jan »

maybe you have overwritten the transparency in the lbg or rbg image ?
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Re: Editing the Phoca_creme template help needed please

Post by silversurfer »

Hi again, thank you for your quick response. As I am in Australia there is always the time difference to take into consideration.

As far as I am aware I did not do anything to either the lbg or rbg image.

Please can you tell me what I can do to change this and get rid of the white edges, :x

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Re: Editing the Phoca_creme template help needed please

Post by silversurfer »

Hi Jan,

Since I last posted about the problem with my image I have not heard from you. Can you please tell me what I can do to change the white edges on either side of the center peice. The image is rbg.png 960x1pixels. Please tell me how to change this or is it possible for you to send me an image to replace it. My background colour is #600000.

I would really appreciate it :cry:
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Re: Editing the Phoca_creme template help needed please

Post by silversurfer »

Well! it is 6 days now since I first put in this post, still no closer to a solution. I must say I'm disappointed though as I would have thought the support on this forum would be a little better than this. I realize my problem may not be of great importance to anyone there, however, to me it is important, so important to get this up and running that I am going to start looking for another template.

Pity because this was the best one for my purpose out of at least 1000 I looked through. :(
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Re: Editing the Phoca_creme template help needed please

Post by Jan »

I would have thought the support on this forum would be a little better than this
Hi, the problem is: I develop all my extensions in my free time... I donate this site with my money which I got from my daily work, I answer cca 200 questions per day (per forum, per post)... so in fact the whole year I spend all my free time to develop free extensions, write manuals, coordinate translations, solve different problems of different users, answer all the posts, everyday I am searching in 100.000 lines of codes to give advices to users, etc... In next months it will be not better because I need to solve my health problems too... So it depends on Phoca users if Phoca extensions will be updated (and new added ... there are a lot of on my localhost)... I by myself cannot do everything more :( because it is not in human possibilities :(

Caroline helps me a lot but there are so many free extensions and so many questions that we are not able to answer it so quickly...

So I apologize for not answering the post 6 days but I didn't find any solution for it yet... :(

So please help us answering the posts in the forum and maybe we will be faster you solve your problem...

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Re: Editing the Phoca_creme template help needed please

Post by silversurfer »

Jan, I do appreciate and understand your problem and I commend you for your hard work. I guess any answer would have been better that no answer at all. People like me are not aware of your problems unless you tell us, although I did read your note at the top of the forum, but as you can appreciate there are many excuses for no answers on many other forums that we encounter and we cannot know which are genuine and which aren't.

I am a business consultant and advise many people on finding solutions for business problems so I have much the same problems as you, however, as a business owner I cannot have websites offline for any length of time as it effects my business and that's how I pay my bills. No business, no-one gets paid.

As far as the template is concerned I have had to chose another one but I still have another website to set up that may be able to use Phoca_Creme temple if you find a solution to my problem. I did notice that you have done exactly what I am looking for with the Phoca_Acero, and I would use that but for the fact that the colours are all wrong. There is no hurry!

Is it not possible to use some of the coding from the Aero background, change the colour to #600000 and incorporate that code into the Creme background, that would solve my problem. Coding is not my strong point so I don't know how or where to do this myself but it may be a possible solution.

I am not that smart with this side of things but I am always willing to help when time permits.

As I understand about your time constraints and your dedication, if you would like to PM me or email me via the support form at [url]http://www.smartbusinessbasics,com[/url] perhaps I can help you from a business point of view, that will be my contribution to your valiant effort. Just mention Phoca_Creme Template.

I also sincerely hope your health problems improve and this rightly so should be your priority.

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