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Time frame for car as catalog?

Posted: 02 May 2015, 23:04
by ch2856
Hi Jan,

I know it's on the way, but is there a time frame for the option to use phoca cart as catalog?


Re: Time frame for car as catalog?

Posted: 07 May 2015, 11:03
by Jan
Hi, now I am working on Beta3 - there I have added filtering options (module, etc.) so maybe waiting for Beta 3 is recommended as there the filtering and searching products will be implemented. It is really hard to say some time frame. E.g. for filtering, because of many many limitations, I did specific javascript code which took me some weeks to work. So hard to say - sometimes you are doing some feature but you recognize, that the feature should be improved and completed with another feature and at the end you are creating new four features but the plan was only one.

And of course, new feature in Beta 3 will be displaying/adding add to cart button so this is important feature for catalog function, so I will say you should wait at least for Beta3 ... Filtering is done, now I am working on searching but I hope I will finish it soon.


Re: Time frame for car as catalog?

Posted: 10 May 2015, 22:42
by ch2856
Thanks Jan,

I'll be waiting for BETA3. Do you think it's OK to start working on inserting items now and then upgrading?

Re: Time frame for car as catalog?

Posted: 11 May 2015, 00:29
by Jan
Hi, between BETA version, there is no upgrade script to upgrade database structures and there is change in database structure (becasue of filtering and searching) in Beta3, so it is better to wait for the Beta3


Re: Time frame for car as catalog?

Posted: 19 Oct 2015, 14:54
by toonytoony2004
waiting for BETA3 too and thank you jan for all work. Please take care.

Re: Time frame for car as catalog?

Posted: 22 Oct 2015, 01:03
by Jan
Hi, I am now finishing Phoca Download and then I will take a look at the next version of Phoca Cart.
