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Automatic indexing of a drawer with external uploads?

Posted: 07 Jun 2015, 14:20
by michaf
Hello Jan / Hello Users,-
first of all and once again: phocadownload is an awesome piece of work!

Now, my question as already mentioned in the title above:
I have another Extension that supports me with an upload function during the registration (chronoforms).
The uploaded files are stored outside the web-root in (so there is no danger in executing anything remotely) within the Phocadownload File-Drawer-Structure.
My first thought was that PD recognize the not-indexed files and would list them in the administration panel.
But that doesnt happens.

How can i manage to automatically indexing the new files for activating them effortless in the admin Panel?
I have full Server-Control. So if there is any additional programm, script or tool that does the job,- i will use it.

In Short:
My Goal is a simple one-click Option to activate this uploaded files. It is also safe to activate them absolutely automatically, as there are only pdf files and
because they are only shown through a Javascript Server-side-installed application wich cannot interpret anything else then pdf-script.

Can you give me a hint how to do that with PD?


Re: Automatic indexing of a drawer with external uploads?

Posted: 10 Jun 2015, 00:25
by Jan
Hi, if you are using some external form to upload files to your site then you need to customize it, so after upload it adds the necessary items to Phoca Download database tables, in fact something like multiple add function in Phoca Download :idea:


Re: Automatic indexing of a drawer with external uploads?

Posted: 13 Jun 2015, 19:54
by michaf
I was afraid of something like this..
Would it fits to the needs of PD if i only add title, path and category of the files in question or is there something special about the DB-structure (something that maybe doesnt immediately catch my eyes at first sight) ?


Re: Automatic indexing of a drawer with external uploads?

Posted: 15 Jun 2015, 19:45
by Jan
Hi, in fact depends on which data you need - e.g. if you don't need e.g. date, it does not need to be added there and this is similar to other columns.

What is needed is parent id - id to category :idea:
