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External Download doesnt start

Posted: 12 Jun 2015, 18:46
by pinsel

I filled the field "External link" with the URL to my Amazon S3 Server.
But when a user clicks on it, the video plays in browser, but not downloading.
How can i force it to download.

And another question:
How can i hide the directlink to the Amazon S3-Server?
Is there any way with a crypted URL ?
I need to protect the direct URL from leeching.

thank you very much,

Re: External Download doesnt start

Posted: 15 Jun 2015, 19:26
by Jan
Hi, in fact these all are question for the developers of the external server:

1) video - depends on how the external server is set - if download or play - it is direct link, so Phoca Download cannot influence it anyway :-(

2) the same like by 1) if the server has the possibility to have crypted URL, then you can use it, but like by 1) this cannot be influenced by Phoca Download :-(
