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phoca_tre (Problem/Issue)

Posted: 17 Jul 2015, 06:00
by arthurjohnston
I am using Joomla! v3.4.3, and Joomlart's T3 Plugin and other Joomlart's BS3 compatible Templates.
I am unable to assign the Phoca Tre Template to a Sub-Menu (Cocker Spaniel -- Cocker Spaniel Levi).

Thank you in advance for your help.

Arthur Johnston

Re: phoca_tre (Problem/Issue)

Posted: 17 Jul 2015, 16:02
by Jan
Hi, do you get any error there? Not sure but maybe this should be a question on forum (not possible to assign template to a menu), I don't know the T3 so I cannot say if there is some limit for other templates on the site.

The Phoca Tre is standard template:
