Highslide settings problem
Posted: 12 Mar 2009, 19:10
I have my global gallery preferences set to use highslide JS plugin to view detailed image.
How is it possible that If i use that kind of code in some article it uses standard Modal Box? It also does not load highslide libraries into html <head> section.
sample: http://iceteam.internetwizard.pl/index. ... 27&lang=pl
But if I display my all categories using below code they works with HighSlide?
sample: http://iceteam.internetwizard.pl/
Is there any explanation for that kind o behaviour?
thanks in advance,
Martin from Poland
How is it possible that If i use that kind of code in some article it uses standard Modal Box? It also does not load highslide libraries into html <head> section.
Code: Select all
{phocagallery view=category|categoryid=3}
But if I display my all categories using below code they works with HighSlide?
Code: Select all
{phocagallery view=categories}
Is there any explanation for that kind o behaviour?
thanks in advance,
Martin from Poland