Insert images in a custom module (mod_custom)
Posted: 13 Mar 2009, 08:00
First of all, thanks for all this. You guys are doing a hell of a job!
Now, here is my problem. I've created a custom module (mod_custom) in order to display images in the right side of each page. I've paste the same code i use to display images in an article, but this time jommla displays the phoca code instead of the images. Is it a feature not supported by phoca? Does anyone have any idea on how to display a side image list on each page by using phoca?
Can you please help me to solve this issue?
Thanks a lot.
First of all, thanks for all this. You guys are doing a hell of a job!
Now, here is my problem. I've created a custom module (mod_custom) in order to display images in the right side of each page. I've paste the same code i use to display images in an article, but this time jommla displays the phoca code instead of the images. Is it a feature not supported by phoca? Does anyone have any idea on how to display a side image list on each page by using phoca?
Can you please help me to solve this issue?
Thanks a lot.