Posted: 06 Mar 2008, 22:24
First of all, congratulations with your perfect products. I've used them on http://www.zeevisvereniging-de-salamander.nl and all my visitors including myselve are very content with what they see.
But now my question. Can you tell me what font is used when I have some explanation text by the photo. Can I change this font by myselve and is it possible that het explanation text also will been visible when I start the slideshow.
Kind regards,
First of all, congratulations with your perfect products. I've used them on http://www.zeevisvereniging-de-salamander.nl and all my visitors including myselve are very content with what they see.
But now my question. Can you tell me what font is used when I have some explanation text by the photo. Can I change this font by myselve and is it possible that het explanation text also will been visible when I start the slideshow.
Kind regards,