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Re: Auto List Files

Posted: 30 Mar 2009, 17:11
by Jan
Hi, for such behaviour there needs to be added some new feature... Some function which find all the uploaded files on your server and will add them automatically into Phoca Download files (now there is no such feature, this must be customized :-( )


Re: Auto List Files

Posted: 06 May 2009, 05:58
by codejunkie
Jan, is there a similar function in gallery that does something similar that might yield to some modification to handle this?

Re: Auto List Files

Posted: 06 May 2009, 23:28
by Jan
maybe multiple add, but writing it for e.g. phoca downlod takes a lot time (it is not an easy function, it is a combination of a lot of functions :-( )


Re: Auto List Files

Posted: 24 Dec 2009, 13:14
by luishorta

you have done a great job with phoca download such as phoca gallery and other phoca products!!!!
the only thing that i'm really missing in phoca download (if comparing with, lets say, docman) is the beautiful "Multiple Add" that you have in phoca gallery.
Adding (not just uploading, that we can do with a FPT program) multiple files it will save us lots of time....

Thank you.

Re: Auto List Files

Posted: 28 Dec 2009, 23:23
by Jan
Hi, this is planned. But the problem is time :-(

Re: Auto List Files

Posted: 10 Mar 2010, 19:22
by babala
Very important function, something like "AutoPopulate for DocMan". Add this and I'm switching to PhocaDownload instantly :).

Second one would be adding the files from different folders - now I can't even enter the folders within default phocadownload directory.

Otherwise very nice job. Keep it up!

Re: Auto List Files

Posted: 10 Mar 2010, 23:02
by Jan
Hi, what function is "autopopulating" ?

In Phoca Download Settings, you can set your own folder, in this folder, ther can be different subfolders - no limitation there.


Re: Auto List Files

Posted: 11 Mar 2010, 00:19
by babala
1) Autopopulate is a very useful plugin for docman, you should definitely check it out. ... nsions/527

In phoca download I imagine it like this:
- enter "add files"
- set general parameters (like category, access, state etc.)
- select multiple files from the list of unassigned files
- hit "apply" or "save" button and all the files are added with selected parameters (name and alias fields are being filled automatically for each file).

2) I've set the download folder, but can't add files from its subfolders - clicking subfolders in lighbox does nothing.

Re: Auto List Files

Posted: 13 Mar 2010, 01:01
by Jan
Hi, I will take a look at it.


Re: Auto List Files

Posted: 01 Apr 2010, 17:26
by babala
Well? Anything? Still waiting :)