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I have been running

Posted: 08 Mar 2008, 18:38
by wdixon
I have been running into problems with thumb creation... I started out on 1.5.5 (which I believe worked - but was experimenting with thumb sizes) and have since upgraded to 1.5.7 and now 1.5.8). Under 1.5.5 I only tried add-multiple so I don’t know if the same problem exists.

Issue 1:
During add single - if trying to navigate into a folder that has a space in its name - I get taken back to the root images/phocagallery directory. I normally wouldn't have spaces in directory names - but found that under 1.5.5 - it proved quite convenient to have the spaces in the directory names so that the categories that where created under the add-multiple was more user friendly (no-underscores).

Issue 2:
During add single â€" if I enter certain directories â€" I get a 500 error.. The message in the log file simply indicates premature end of script in administrator/index.php (no other messages)… It appears to be related to certain jpg files… In terms of file size â€" they are all about the same size as the ones that work.

Issue 3:
If I add multiple â€" and happen to add one of the jpg files that cause a 500 error … Every time I return to the admin interface I get a 500…. There doesn’t seem to be a way to recover from this â€" other than moving the image files out of the way?

Is there a way to figure out what the problem is? And if there is a file that causes the error â€" is there a way for the script to flag that file as an error â€" and continue â€" rather than rendering the admin interface broken (always with a 500 error).

Hi1. I d

Posted: 08 Mar 2008, 19:28
by Jan

1. I didn't think about folders and files which contain spaces and diacritics... who taught people creating folders with spaces and diacritics?

2. ??? maybe some problem with thumbnails creating (wrong file, GD problem, some error in file which causes the thumbnail creating troubles ...)

3. Yes, Phoca Gallery automatically creates thumbnails in Phoca Gallery view (e.g. the thumbnail of original was removed, or by first adding image) and if it cannot create a thumbnail, you must remove the file because it cannot be used in the gallery ... I think, this is the easiest way... What can be the other option. If you display thumbnails in front and in admin and server cannot do these thumbnails, you must remove the original file...

I think the 500 is logical. You get info about error and you can solve it. You know what is wrong. But I can add there a link e.g. to media manager for e.g. removing the files...


I believe GD is inst

Posted: 08 Mar 2008, 22:36
by wdixon
I believe GD is installed and working (as it works for some images and not others). I think it’s probably a memory limit set by the hosting provider (64MB I think?).... As a work around I changed the call PhocaGalleryHelper::imageMagic - to exec imageMagick (convert) - directly.... This seems to solve most of my trouble....
It might be nice for you to allow configuration of an external program for thumb generation - e.g. exec("/usr/bin/convert".$file_original." -strip -quality 70 -resize ".$width."x".$height." ".$file_thumbnail)

As far as if an image conversion fails - that is where things get stuck - it might make sense to either rename/move the file so you can easily figure out which one caused the problem - or mark it as excluded in the database so that you can deal with it later.... It does not seem that easy to figure out what file(s) causes the problem - once you run into it - the admin interface simply ends up dead.

To thumbnail creatin

Posted: 08 Mar 2008, 22:52
by Jan
To thumbnail creating: I was trying to add other system but, it works this way: first all filenames will be added into a database and then thumbnails of these images will be created. If I don't stop the script I must add some information into a database, that thumbnail of this file should be not created, but user must after thumbnails creating deactivate the protection against the thumbnails creating of the file... and ... and... it will be more difficult to do this way

exec - I think most of webhosting has this function disabled...

If there is a problem with file, you should get info which file causes the problem... If no thumbnails of a file will be created, you get the name of the file with error message...

So the problem with 500 will be in other place... Can you find or detect where the 500 appears in your site?


Agree there is more

Posted: 09 Mar 2008, 07:46
by wdixon
Agree there is more difficulty - but it seems that there can be many issues encountered with generating thumbs - much of which has to do with the hosting provicers - and limits imposed on shared servers.

Many hosting providers may disable - but many don't... But for those hosting providers who allow - its another chance to extend phoca's utility... Unless I can figure out another way I wouldn't be able to use phoca...

In terms of an error message - the only indicatation of an error - in the log files is "premature end of script in administrator/index.php - so the log files and the 500 that is returned to the browser has no useful information.

I guess I could look - but is there a debug level in phoca?

Posted: 09 Mar 2008, 12:28
by Jan