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title over file icon

Posted: 16 Aug 2015, 17:38
by ChristopheMG

I have a problem with File Icons (mime type for this example), the title is over the icon, see this image:

Here is the html code:

Code: Select all

<div class="pd-filename phocadownloadfile phoca-dl-file-box-mod">
<div class="pd-document16" style="background: url('http://*******/media/com_phocadownload/images/mime/16/icon-pdf.png') 0 center no-repeat;">
<a href="/component/phocadownload/file/1-guide-ce">Guide CE</a>
Do you have any suggestions please?


Re: title over file icon

Posted: 21 Aug 2015, 00:42
by Jan
Hi, hmm, do you get the same problem when testing with some standard template?


Re: title over file icon

Posted: 25 Aug 2015, 11:08
by ChristopheMG
Yes, I tried with Protostar and Beez3, My current is "Minimalist".
I found a way, it's bad but... I add spaces > text=&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Bla bla bla
If you have the time to check, I cannot give you the link in public, in private?

Re: title over file icon

Posted: 25 Aug 2015, 12:01
by christine

in Protostar/Beez the same problem exist?

It seems to be this template? ... Itemid=121. If so, check template parameters.

You also can try following (below code are from a demo) - so, it could be different to your classes:

put on last line in your template.css or custom.css:

Code: Select all

.phoca-dl-file-box-mod .pd-document64 , #phoca-dl-file-box .pd-document64, #phoca-dl-category-box .pd-document64, #phoca-dl-most-viewed-box .pd-document64 {
padding-left: 70px;}
or change in relevant CSS file: padding-left: xxx;

kind regards, Christine