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Language Charecter Bug

Posted: 17 Aug 2015, 23:27
by rkeles

The uploaded file names doest show Turkish charecters! For ex. "ü", "ı", "ş", "ö", "ğ", "ç"....

file headers show all chars perfect. But file name char is not showing Turkish chars.
please see pic bellow.


And also I have download Turkish language file and I have upload them to file folder from FTP but language has not been change?

Can you help me about this issiu?

thank you.

Re: Language Charecter Bug

Posted: 18 Aug 2015, 01:18
by Benno
as far as I know, it's not recommended to use UTF-8 characters (For ex. "ü", "ı", "ş", "ö", "ğ", "ç") for file names, because some servers cannot handle this characters. :(
And also I have download Turkish language file and I have upload them to file folder from FTP but language has not been change?
Don't know which Phoca Download version and which Joomla! version you use, this one should work with joomla! v3.x ...
But it's not very up to date, some strings will be not translated. :(
Perhaps you need to convert the files to UTF-8 without Boom (e.g. with help of Notepad++), depends on the Joomla! version you use. Currently these files are saved as UTF-8.

Kind regards,

Re: Language Charecter Bug

Posted: 18 Aug 2015, 11:40
by rkeles
Thank you Benna.

Language files worked fine now. Probably I have uploaed wrong files. It works ok.

For the documents name, as you told I will not use turkish chars.

thank you.

Re: Language Charecter Bug

Posted: 18 Aug 2015, 11:49
by Benno
You're welcome!

Kind regards,