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Issue with Ordering Files

Posted: 20 Aug 2015, 10:21
by nattydps
Am I asking too much here. My setup is Joomla 3.4.3 using Phoca Download 3.0.6 so I am right up to date :-) Love this component, modules and plugins, couldn't be without it :-)

I was wondering just how possible it would be to allow a visitor to select ordering of files in the frontend or at least let an administrator change the ordering for different menu items in the backend?

There are times when it is good for a front end user to see files in a category list sorted alphabetically but other times the view is far better to be shown by the time/date last uploaded. My guests just need a list of files and alphabetical makes registered users however just want to see the latest available files.

A extra parameter in the Menu Item seemed to make sense to me as we have different menus for guests and registered users but this could be a whole heap of additional coding that no one else is interested in. Anyone have any thoughts, am I missing something or can anybody here think of a simple workaround.

Thanks in advance :-)

Re: Issue with Ordering Files

Posted: 22 Aug 2015, 23:37
by Jan
Hi, such feature is included in Phoca Gallery and I am planning to add it to Phoca Download, but for now, I don't know when I will find time for it :-(


Re: Issue with Ordering Files

Posted: 28 Oct 2015, 23:10
by Jan
Hi, added into version 3.1.0


Re: Issue with Ordering Files

Posted: 27 Apr 2016, 11:41
by nattydps
Hi Jan,

Did this change actually make it into 3.1?

I have now upgraded to the latest version and I need to sort some files in the Front-End in different ways. - this page should sort alphabetically which is just fine as it is. In the options setting 'backend' I have selected Ordering "Title Ascending" as this is correct. - this page should be sorted by date descending for it to make any sense but I can't figure out how, as you suggested in your post of 28th October 2015, that this functionality was now included in version 3.1.

This used to be possible by modifying the default.xml file as per this post viewtopic.php?f=31&t=37911 but I guess since the recent update this no longer works.

Wondered if you could reply to this post with any comment/suggestion.
Thanks in advance.

Re: Issue with Ordering Files

Posted: 28 Apr 2016, 17:23
by Jan
Hi, see image:


you can set the ordering in Options of Phoca Download and such is set as default in frontend, users then can order the files by themselves.


Re: Issue with Ordering Files

Posted: 28 Apr 2016, 18:49
by nattydps

This looks fantastic and just what I am looking for... but on this page - ... tters.html the ordering drop-down does not appear at the bottom as per your screenshot. Using the latest version of Phoca Download 3.1.1 on Joomla 3.5.1 install.

Do I have to make a change on my Options screen for this to appear. Can't see anything that would appear to turn this feature on/off?

Can you help any further.


Re: Issue with Ordering Files

Posted: 29 Apr 2016, 15:08
by Jan
Hi, in menu link to the Phoca Download, you need to enable it.

Joomla! - Administration - Menus - e.g. Main Menu - e.g. Phoca Download - click on edit: Options - Display Ordering Select Box (Category View) - Display


Re: Issue with Ordering Files

Posted: 09 May 2016, 14:16
by nattydps
Thanks again for the latest update on this Jan but my issue is with displaying a "List of Files" (Category view). Sadly the same functionality that you have included in "List of Categories" is not available for just files.

On a single page we only need to show individual files from a specific category and have the ability to either force an order, not necessarily the default set in the back-end options, or allow the user to change as they clearly can do with the category view.

In our example we want to show the latest letters we have issued... sorting files by date. On another page on policies that we have issued but in this case alphabetical order makes sense from the front-end.

Any ideas??? Again thanks for any comment.

Re: Issue with Ordering Files

Posted: 09 May 2016, 21:15
by Jan
open this file:


Code: Select all

			<option value="0">COM_PHOCADOWNLOAD_HIDE</option>
			<option value="1">COM_PHOCADOWNLOAD_DISPLAY</option>

Code: Select all

<field name="show_pagination_limit" type="radio" default="1" label="COM_PHOCADOWNLOAD_FIELD_SHOW_PAGINATION_LIMIT_LABEL" description="COM_PHOCADOWNLOAD_FIELD_SHOW_PAGINATION_LIMIT_DESC">
				<option value="0">COM_PHOCADOWNLOAD_HIDE</option>
				<option value="1">COM_PHOCADOWNLOAD_DISPLAY</option>
Now you should get the select box, even you display only category view. Please let me know if it works for you, if yes, I will implement it into the next version.


Re: Issue with Ordering Files

Posted: 02 Oct 2017, 13:19
by Jan