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Fullscreen Button & Javascript

Posted: 24 Sep 2015, 10:19
by Frank_1976
Hi there,

I am stucking at this point at the moment:
Set if the panorama will be displayed in Iframe or directly in HTML code as Javascript. Be aware, e.g. Mootools library can be in conflict with e.g. Krpano panorama items. If you see some Javascript code below your panorama and Mootools library is active on your site, you should disable Mootools (if this is possible) or you should set Iframe method for displaying panorama (then some features like full screen enlarging of panorama will be not active).
I switched in the Panoramasettings to Javascript, because I need the fullscreen button on my panorama. I also switched off Motools. The path for the Panorama files is also set correctly and the Panorama file name is "panorama" (Panorama.xml/panorala.js like in the folder)

But there is no panorama showing up.

Do you have an idea?

Re: Fullscreen Button & Javascript

Posted: 24 Sep 2015, 14:23
by Frank_1976
Ok, I just realized, that the output files on the example page are *.SWF. My Panoramas are in html5-format.
Is there a way to get phoca-panorama running with html5 output?


Re: Fullscreen Button & Javascript

Posted: 27 Sep 2015, 23:41
by Jan
Hi, I think, there should not be problem, some users who uses krpano, can export the panorame in html5 and it should work Ok :idea:
