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Number of Files (Categories View - Header)

Posted: 04 Nov 2015, 10:19
by MarioP
I've searched google trying to find an answer but with no results - namely I don't understand the idea of labeling the amount of files in the category view (header). Let's say I have one main category "Portable sound systems" with 3 files assigned to it. I have also a subcategory - let's call it "No longer made" with 10 files within it.. And in category view (header) i can see:

Portable sound systems (1/13)
No longer made (10)

Ok, I understand "13" means total amount of files in all categories, but what about the "1"? What does it mean? Is there a way to label the amount of the files in the main category as in the case of the subcategory - simply displaying the amount of the files within it (3)?...

Re: Number of Files (Categories View - Header)

Posted: 04 Nov 2015, 10:37
by citrone
(one subcategorie/13 files overall) ?

Re: Number of Files (Categories View - Header)

Posted: 04 Nov 2015, 18:12
by MarioP
Yes it looks that way. But why do we have that kind of labeling since we should have Number of Files (Categories View - Header) (according to the designation of the parameter). So the Number of Files no the amount of subcategories....
Thus I sustain my question:
Is there a way to label the amount of the files in the main category as in the case of the subcategory - simply displaying the amount of the files within it (3)?...

Re: Number of Files (Categories View - Header)

Posted: 06 Nov 2015, 22:29
by Jan
Hi, see similar posts in this forum:

Go to:

line cca. 45
and change it

Code: Select all

$numDoc = (int)$valueCat->numdoc + (int)$numDoc;

Code: Select all

//$numDoc = (int)$valueCat->numdoc + (int)$numDoc;
There are two ways how to display the number of files:

a) number of subcategories / number of all files (in subcategories too)
b) number of subcategories / number of files only included in this category.

For me, the b) is more logical but most of users voted for a) as they made the point that in categories view you should get info about all the files inside the category tree.

So in short, this is "matter of taste" if a) or b) and as most of users selected a) for now there is a) and the b) can be easily produced by commenting the line I have described above.


Re: Number of Files (Categories View - Header)

Posted: 10 Nov 2015, 11:25
by MarioP
Jan wrote: There are two ways how to display the number of files:

a) number of subcategories / number of all files (in subcategories too)
b) number of subcategories / number of files only included in this category.

For me, the b) is more logical
Yes I completely agree when it comes to choosing one of the those options but it's still little confused for me... Why do we have the ' number of subcategories ' there? - we see them, we can count them if we like ;-), imho there's no need to additionally label the number of them...

Looking at kind of labeling like this below I wonder what does the '1' mean.. Yes - it's obvious for us, users who creates those categories, but look at this in the point of view of the casual user - not a programmer (like I am). Doesn't it a little confusing?

Example category (1/13)
Example subcategory (10)

Wasn't it simpler to display only the number of files? Is that possible?
I know it's a silly problem - but I'll be grateful for a solution..

Re: Number of Files (Categories View - Header)

Posted: 11 Nov 2015, 01:10
by Jan
Hi, is it no so easy as it seems, you can disable displaying the subcategories, so they will be not displayed.

Anyway, as written above, the format (subcategories/files) was set as consensus of ideas made by different users in time :idea:
