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Phocadownload disrupting template layout

Posted: 14 Nov 2015, 13:06
by Nookman
Hi, I've installed Phocadownload on my site. When I click this link the library page width shrinks, the header menu bar is affected (a white line to the left) and the megamenu inverts colour. Where should I look to resolve this issue?

I'm using Joomla v3.4.5; Purity 3 v1.1.5; Phoca v3.1.0

I raised the issue in a Joomlart forum and was told "Please navigate to admin >>> Extensions >>> Template Manager >>> choose default template >>> temporary disable CSS / JS Optimize and let me know so I can check the code."

So I did and was told "Thanks, I checked your site and look like the Phocadownload component called the Bootstrap code twice, try to check if we can disable load Bootstrap (both CSS and JS) in that component."

How do you suggest I disable 'load Bootstrap' in both CSS and JS?

Re: Phocadownload disrupting template layout

Posted: 14 Nov 2015, 15:57
by christine
Hi Nookman,

Hv tried it with Protostar (Standardtemplate). When I 'active' bootstrap.min.css, then I also get other views of menus.

Phocadownload > Styles (CSS)
> Phocadownload
> Rating
> Button
> Bootstrap > bootstrap.min.css > de-aktived.

Try this and hopefully it helps.

Kind regards, Christine

Re: Phocadownload disrupting template layout

Posted: 04 Dec 2015, 18:00
by Nookman
Thanks Christine.

I'll give it a go.
Kind regards

Re: Phocadownload disrupting template layout

Posted: 04 Dec 2015, 18:41
by Nookman
Many thanks Christine. :)

Re: Phocadownload disrupting template layout

Posted: 05 Dec 2015, 11:26
by christine
Hi Nookman,

that's fine :wink:

Kind regards, Christine