Upgrade from Joomla 2.5 to 3.x
Posted: 22 Jan 2016, 18:24
Hi, I have updated joomla and Phoca Download, however on the front end I get the following error on the phoca download component
I have read some posts on this forum and found that for some reason that table is missing, so I went to "install\sql\MySQL\install.utf8.sql" and looked for the missing table and ran the SQL. It does not seem to have worked. Please can someone help me diagnose the problem?
Code: Select all
Table 'walkerar_cchsg.j25_phocadownload_styles' doesn't exist SQL=SELECT a.filename as filename, a.type as type, a.menulink as menulink FROM j25_phocadownload_styles AS a WHERE a.published = 1 ORDER BY a.type, a.ordering ASC