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Posted: 29 Jan 2016, 05:15
by Dweezledap
I noticed yesterday that several Youtube videos on my site are not loading. When checking the page source the youtube code is there... but for some reason the page is not showing the video.
At first I thought it might be do to changes I have made to my site but when I disable the "safehtml" parameter I can embed a youtube video with iframe.
I have read that Youtube has deprecated <object> for <iframe> and also read that youtube is now using htm5 instead of flash as the default player. Could this be the problem?

Re: Youtube

Posted: 30 Jan 2016, 16:23
by Jan
Hi, hmm, when testing, everything is OK be me: (old site, YouTube is running per Phoca Download plugin, Ok for me)

The same with component on newer site: (Joomla! 2.5)

So, I see no change regarding running YouTube. :idea:


Re: Youtube

Posted: 30 Jan 2016, 21:16
by Dweezledap
This is so odd.
I started using Clouflare CDN and switched to https in the last week. It must be one these two things causing my issues :x

Re: Youtube

Posted: 30 Jan 2016, 23:43
by christine
Dweezledap wrote:I started using Clouflare CDN and switched to https in the last week. It must be one these two things causing my issues :x
Have a look here please: ... oomla.html
> Using CloudFlare Free SSL on your Joomla website. It seems, that perhaps you also will need: ... for-joomla

Kind regards, Christine