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Uploaded By and Owner

Posted: 01 Feb 2016, 22:08
by silverfox47

Is it possible that when an admin user uploads a file that the uploaded by and/or owner fields could automatically pick up the username that the user has logged in to joomla with.

I know it can be selected manually but it just adds another step to the file upload process.

Thank you

Re: Uploaded By and Owner

Posted: 03 Feb 2016, 18:51
by Jan
Hi, if you mean the upload in administration, then this needs to be customized directly in the code, I think this needs to be add to part when the files are added to system, not when they are uploaded :idea:


Re: Uploaded By and Owner

Posted: 03 Feb 2016, 20:03
by silverfox47
Yes that is what I meant, it is the step of where a file is added by an admin user.

It seems natural to automatically add the user name in the same way when a new article is created it automatically assigns the author name.

Possibly a good feature to add for future versions?

Re: Uploaded By and Owner

Posted: 11 Feb 2016, 13:27
by Jan
Hi, Ok, I will take a look at it, for now the logic is:

- if you upload images in backend, mostly there is no need to differentiate owners
- if you upload them in frontend, then there is managing of different owners and the administrator in backend will always stay over these ownerships - to only administrate the site. :idea:
