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Fichiers : Ajout multiple

Posted: 03 Mar 2016, 14:47
by gerardjules
Could you tell me about adding multiple files in the choice. I have not found an explanation of what is and what it produces multiple enfronted and backend
Thank you. cordially

Re: Fichiers : Ajout multiple

Posted: 03 Mar 2016, 16:37
by Benno
this example is a very fast way to use Multiple Add in Backend:
1.) Create a folder/file structure local on your pc.
2.) Load up this folder/file structure e.G. with FTP to /phocadownload/ folder.
3.) See screenshots:




Kind regards,

Re: Fichiers : Ajout multiple

Posted: 04 Mar 2016, 17:02
by gerardjules
Thank you for your answer, but I was not able to execute the operation of your second screenshot because I do not understand the role of this part entitled adding multiple window. You make a connection between the categotie this window and add multiple list of checked files the right. Could you tell me the different actions between the choice of files that I want to load (part load) how files appear to the right of this window then send them on my website. How is phocadownload category considered.
Excuse me for my explanation a little weak but I do not understand.
Thank you and best regards

Re: Fichiers : Ajout multiple

Posted: 04 Mar 2016, 17:15
by Benno
if you load up your folder structure with files inside (created local on your pc) to the /phocadownload/ folder of your joomla! installation and you use Multiple Add, all folders become Phoca Download Categories and all files inside the folders become Phoca Download Files. (means, this files can be downloaded in Joomla! frontend)

Kind regards,