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Markers javascript error after upgrade

Posted: 14 Mar 2016, 19:18
by rsd
I just upgrade from 2.5 to 3.4.8.
Using Phoca Maps 3.0.3.

All markers give me a javascript error.
The javascript is dumped into the view.

If the Map has no javascript, it works fine (without a marker).
When I create any marker, the error shows up.

Here is what happens:

Re: Markers javascript error after upgrade

Posted: 14 Mar 2016, 22:26
by rsd
Ok, found the cause and a bug.

The problem was being caused by the SEO Glossary content plugin.
It was suppressing the </script> tag and putting it inside a maker content variable which caused havoc.

During this process for some reason, calling PhocaMapsHelper::strTrimAll() (line 417) on marker $text was adding extra </div> tags.
Before it, $text was:

Code: Select all

<div style="font-size:120%;margin: 5px 0px;font-weight:bold;">test</div>
and after:

Code: Select all

<div style="font-size:120%;margin: 5px 0px;font-weight:bold;">test</div><div></div>

Re: Markers javascript error after upgrade

Posted: 15 Mar 2016, 22:42
by Jan