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Question about a feature

Posted: 04 Apr 2016, 16:21
by jabba
Hello! I've to make an online download area for a magazine. I need that a paying customer (so in a particular Joomla user group) can download the PDF of the magazine only for the numbers he payed for.
I mean:

- i upload a PDF of the magazine every month
- if a user is a paying one he can download the PDF
- if a user is NOT a paying one he cannot download anything

Every paying user can NOT download magazine numbers from the time before he payed (i mean: he pays for february and march months so he CAN NOT download the January PDF).

Is this possible? Thank you!


Re: Question about a feature

Posted: 07 Apr 2016, 18:29
by Jan
Hi, in Phoca Download, there are access rights - so you can set which files will be accessible and which not. A for what groups or which user they will be accessible or not.

But to set the date, this needs to be set in other component or customized so date of publishing for different users will be set for your needs :idea:
