Display Number of Files
Posted: 21 Apr 2016, 09:42
Hello, I hope you can help me on the following issue.
I've just started to use phocedownload. Now that I'm starting to upload files and make subcategories I see that the file counter next to the category name only show the direct files in that categories.
I will try to explain better. I have categories like Catalogues/Inverters/XYtype. I uploaded 2 files to XY type, but in the category view next to Catalogues show the number 0. as Catalogue (0) like it would not contain anything. The number of 2 has only shown next to the XY type subcategory. But it's really misleading. Could you help me with this? Is there any settings to solve this.
I was thinking maybe I could turn of this option which shows the file numbers, but it's not working, or I understand something wrong.
In the setting of PhocaDownload I fould a part which should work but eventually it's not.
There are these lines:
Display Number of Files (Categories View)
Display Number of Files (Categories View - Header)
I choose no, but still the filenumbers do not disappear.
That would be my problem.
I hope I hear from you soon.
Thanks in advance for any help.
I've just started to use phocedownload. Now that I'm starting to upload files and make subcategories I see that the file counter next to the category name only show the direct files in that categories.
I will try to explain better. I have categories like Catalogues/Inverters/XYtype. I uploaded 2 files to XY type, but in the category view next to Catalogues show the number 0. as Catalogue (0) like it would not contain anything. The number of 2 has only shown next to the XY type subcategory. But it's really misleading. Could you help me with this? Is there any settings to solve this.
I was thinking maybe I could turn of this option which shows the file numbers, but it's not working, or I understand something wrong.
In the setting of PhocaDownload I fould a part which should work but eventually it's not.
There are these lines:
Display Number of Files (Categories View)
Display Number of Files (Categories View - Header)
I choose no, but still the filenumbers do not disappear.
That would be my problem.
I hope I hear from you soon.
Thanks in advance for any help.