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Possibility to extend the h ref to the full filenamebox

Posted: 27 Apr 2016, 21:58
by nutcracker66
Hello, is there a way to extend the download file h ref url into the full pd-filenamebox area within the category view for download files? The intention is to give the users the oppurtunity to click somewhere within the icon and filename area (at least into the row area) and trigger then the download, regardless of clicking at the filename. Background is that the visitors of the site are elder people.
Thank you

Re: Possibility to extend the h ref to the full filenamebox

Posted: 28 Apr 2016, 16:47
by Jan
Hi, hmm, the only idea I have is to some how customize it and paste the whole row into a tag (but not sure if this will not break html validity rules). Or maybe to do it per some Javascript function :idea:
