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Using Phoca Plugin

Posted: 07 Jun 2016, 16:30
by redelevencreative
Hi there

I am using the Phoca download plugin which enables me to place ID's of files within articles. These files are set to REGISTERED view only. Here's what happens..

1. User clicks on link in article
2. If not logged then go to the login page.
3. After logging in (or registyering) they are then thrown back into what looks like a category page with all the files on.

Is it possible for point 3 to actually thrown them back into the opposed to the component category page?

Many thanks

Re: Using Phoca Plugin

Posted: 10 Jun 2016, 14:58
by Jan
Hi, no :-( Generally, the component cannot go back to article as the component does not know in which article to go. When you click on download button in plugin (in article) then you go to component which then manages all the rights, etc. But Phoca Download component is not able to somehow influence the article/other component (in this case com_content). In the component, it is programmed, that if user cannot access some file, he/she needs to login, then it will be redirect back. But this cannot be used for article as this is another component. So the only way is to customize directly the components (article and download - so the will somehow interact when managing rights) :idea:
