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404 Category not found
Posted: 05 Jul 2016, 03:26
by anav
Hello, need some help with phocapanorama.
I get the 404 Category not found instead of my virtual tour.
My virtual tour is made with panotourpro 2.0 by kolor
Re: 404 Category not found
Posted: 05 Jul 2016, 11:12
by Jan
Hi, can I see the site where this occurs?
Re: 404 Category not found
Posted: 06 Jul 2016, 19:12
by anav
switched from iframe to java and it works but only one does.
cant figure out how to get both to work
Re: 404 Category not found
Posted: 07 Jul 2016, 00:51
by Jan
Hi, what you mean with "both"? You can display either javascript(html) or iframe method
Re: 404 Category not found
Posted: 07 Jul 2016, 01:38
by anav
both i mean the two virtual tours i have. i created two new items, one will show. On the phoca panorama configuration > Panorama settings it asks for a Panorama file name, when i put one of my virtual tours name the other one does not work. what panorama file name is it asking for so both my vtours can work.
Re: 404 Category not found
Posted: 08 Jul 2016, 19:31
by anav
Hi Jan,
on the configuration of phoca panorama, in panorama settings, it is asking for Panorama File Name. if i type one of them then that will be the only one working, but what do i do if i have more than one tours i want to publish.
Re: 404 Category not found
Posted: 09 Jul 2016, 13:37
by Jan
Hi, this is the name of main file which is produced by the panorama software, it is always the same:
If you have more panoramas, you upload them to different folders but in each folder, there is one main file (e.g. tour.xml - in settings: tour) which is the used.